There are endless benefits to Yoni Steaming with majority of the side effects reported being positives.
After Yoni Steaming you may experience your first 1-3 periods after to be different. Don't be alarmed this is the herbs doing its job! This is your body's way of getting rid of what it needs to. Your period may come earlier, be heavier, have more cramps & clots. But don't worry these are all temporary as you work towards your healthy period.
However there are a few unwanted side effects that one should look out for that we will discuss below:
There are some negative side effects that may come from Yoni Steaming that we will discuss below:
- Shorter Menstrual Cycle- If this happens please contact me as soon as possible. Your Yoni Blend may be too Strong.
- Headaches/Aching Feet - This may be a sign that you got too dehydrated during your steam session. Make sure you drink enough cool fluids. No Alcohol!
- Bleeding - If you start bleeding unexpectedly on day 20 or less of your menstrual cycle this may be a sign that you purchased a Yoni Steam Blend too strong for you.
- Yeast Infection or Herpes Outbreak - If any of these occur your steam session may have been too hot or too strong.
- Cramping - If you experience cramping during or after a steam session that may be the herbs doing its job. Old residue is loosening up and the uterus is helping it along by contracting.
- The Need to Urinate - Sometimes when steaming the steam stimulates your bladder giving you the urge to pee. It is always best to pee before steaming, but if need be stop to urinate and continue. The sensation usually goes away within a few minutes.
Remember I am a Certified Yoni Steam Facilitator please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. We will work together to alleviate any problem! - Jessica